Monthly Archives: July 2012

Updated: “Fractured Nude”


Good morning.  It is currently 3:10 a.m. in San Francisco and I am profoundly insomniated (that is not even a word, but adequately describes my current state of affairs).  I have been painting for most of the evening and wanted to share my updated photos on the progression of my “Fractured Nude” painting.  It still has a long way to go but for those of you who saw the initial photographs, I thought you might like to take a peak at what I have done thus far.  I am still unsure of where this painting will ultimately end up; however, I am relatively content with its’ journey as of this morning…relatively.  

At the risk of sounding redundant, have a wonderful Monday and upcoming week.  The way I see it…we can ALL use a little extra positivity in order to better endure Monday mornings.

Ciao for now….

k  i  m  b  y

















“Shadow Dance”




I photographed these pictures of my profile, as a shadow, the other evening in my home.  I was in a melancholy state of mind at the time.  I am happy to say that I am feeling vibrant and alive this evening!

Have a wonderful Monday….remember:  Today is a completely new beginning to the entrance of your future!  If you need a “do-over” TODAY is your day!!!


k  i  m  b  y

“Meadow House”


Hi there!  I wanted to share my latest completed painting. I need to say first off that I have had some technical difficulties with this post.  I am still learning how to use WordPress, as I am still a newbie, so I apologize.  I wanted ALL of these pictures to be in a descending order; however, for some reason I had ‘issues’ with this particular post and there are two different formats for my pictures.

I have been working on this piece for several days and just finished it very early this morning.  As I began….starting with a sketch…I took progression photographs so you could join me on the journey of this piece.  I always find it fascinating to begin with a void…a white, blank canvas…and then progress systematically from sketch to final work.  Often, I will complete a painting and pause to ask myself, “How did I get here?”  It is perplexing and sometimes strange to me that I can produce any scene at all.  I wonder if many other self taught artists feel the same way sometimes?  If you are self taught, perhaps you want to share your experience regarding this ‘phenomenon’ with me?  I would love it if you did.  When I have photos, such as I present below (and above), it provides me with the answers that sometimes evade me.  It is interesting (to me at least) and helpful to see the steps that I took in order to reach what I view as a ‘finished’ painting.  I hope you enjoy the journey.

Have a super Weekend,

k  i  m  b  y






Theme of the Week


Greetings friends!

I just wanted to post a favorite picture of my most cherished flower:  the purple hydrangea….specifically for the “Theme of the Week” WordPress photo collaboration.  I took this picture a couple of months ago as I was walking in downtown San Francisco.  It was too beautiful not to capture on film.  I am contributing this photo to  a Friday photo competition open to bloggers on WordPress.  I actually posted this picture in an earlier blog; however, I just could not resist giving it a little more ‘face-time’ yet again.  The hydrangea is important to me for many reasons but most of which it is because this amazing flower reminds me of my father, Dick Faires, who left this earth in on April 22 nd, 1999.

I had a vivid dream over 13 years ago that I have never forgotten.  It was about my father.  I had the dream a few months after his death in April of 1999.  The details of this dream have never left me.  It was as if it was not actually a ‘dream’…it was as if the ‘dream’ was in actuality reality.  I honestly felt his presence that night.  I felt the warmth of his skin.  Perhaps it WAS real…perhaps…

The dream went something like this:

I was walking in my father’s backyard, at the base of the White River in Indianapolis, Indiana, when suddenly the river began to overflow in the form of a flash-flood during a summer storm.  The river’s water began rushing up onto dry land where I was standing.  I was frantic because I was quickly being overcome by the rapid and turbulent river water as it began to suddenly rise.  The mouth of the river began to pull me into its’ clutches ever deeper into more dangerous currents as I frantically tried to swim to safety towards the shore.  I was trying to claw my way back to the shore to the safety of dry land; however, I was becoming more and more exhausted and fearful that I would soon succumb to its’ fury….when suddenly, out of nowhere, my Dad appeared.  He put out one of his hands and I immediately grabbed onto it as if a magnet was forcing our palms and fingers together by an invisible force.  The moment I felt his skin, the violent river instantly receded and turned to an expansive field of flowers….a vibrant, purple field of hydrangeas.  It was at this moment that I was safe.  

When I awoke the next morning I felt a sense of peace that had previously eluded me since my father’s illness and subsequent death.  Somehow I knew that he was with me, perhaps in another dimension, but still with me….always, no matter where I went or what I was struggling through.

Every time I am blessed enough to be able to look at, smell, or touch a hydrangea my memory softens around the fact that I know my father is still with me….and always will be.

Have a wonderful and safe weekend my friends….new and old and yet-to-be-known.

Blessings from San Francisco,

k  i  m  b  y



“Scattered amongst flowers”


Hello fellow bloggers.  I have not posted in awhile and I am sorry about that.  For some strange reason I have been rather scattered and discombobulated of late.  I do not know why; however, I am trying to get back on track.  Regular blogging and sharing is good for my soul and helps further my creative energy.  You see, even my paintings are somewhat random in their scope and appearance.  I have my mind and goals on something that could potentially be an amazing experience and event and perhaps that is why I am not super-focused.  I am only in the initial stages of brainstorming and planning…but I think I may have something here.  Time will tell.  I am not ready to reveal my plans; however, they have to do with curating, art, and someone famous.  You will have to wait and see.  The great news is that I sold another painting…my largest to date and I am beyond thrilled.  My client lives in Connecticut and she saw the painting on my website.  I had it hanging in a local San Francisco couture baby clothes boutique.  It was great exposure for me but Ms. Connecticut bought it before someone else got their hands on it.  

Below is a random posting of some of my recent little paintings and photographs….scattered though they may be, I am happy with the way they turned out.  Let’s just say I have been in a bit of a floral state of mind.  

And if you get a moment I would love it if you checked out my relatively new website, if you haven’t already:

Peace and love,

k  i  m  b  y








A Beautiful Sunday


Hello friends!  It has been several days since my last post.  I have had a lot going on and all is wonderful.  I went with a good friend to visit the California Academy of Sciences, an amazing museum in San Francisco, on Sunday.  I took some photos and I wanted to share with you the highlights of my visit.  If you are ever in my beautiful city, I highly encourage you to visit this unique and interesting museum.  Yesterday was my first visit.  It was impossible to see all that this amazing museum has to offer.  Consequently, I am already looking forward to my next visit.  I hope you enjoy the following pictures…supreme evidence of our genius creator.  I hope you have a super week!



















Good evening!  Below are several pictures from my newest painting.  It is oil on canvas and the dimensions are 18″ x 14″ inches.  I am pretty much finished with it however I may do a little glazing when it dries more. It is entitled “Emanation.”  I named it this because I was thinking about where we all come from….the source of humanity…which is from the one true light of the universe and for me that is God.  The small pieces in dark colors and various reds surrounding the central light represent pieces of our spirit before we come into this dimension and inhabit an earthly body.  These pieces also represent the subsequent fragmentation that we as humans endure…..the mistakes, the failures, the sadness, the fear, the joy, the happiness, the hopelessness…..basically all that encompasses the ‘making of a life’ while on earth.  The center core of light represents that which we ‘come’ from as well as that which we ultimately ‘return to’ thus the title:  “Emanation.”  I hope you enjoy viewing it.  Have a super rest of your weekend.

Sending you peace from San Francisco….

k  i  m  b  y









Tips for new artists: How to Improve Your Art and Live Your Passion!!!



I am writing this post because I am a completely self-taught artist and I want to share what I have learned thus far.  I started oil painting in 1999 and enjoyed it only very sporadically for 3-4 years.  I then put down my brushes for seven years until I decided to give it a whirl again.  Since the beginning of 2010, I have not stopped painting.  I try to paint at the very least five days a week, for several hours at a time. 

I have spent countless numbers of hours painting and learning through trial and error.  I have also spent an untold amount of time researching oil painting techniques on the internet.  I have also indulged in many oil painting tutorials on the web….most of which are free by-the-way!  I am thrilled to say that I am selling my work and have recently completed two commissions for clients.  I have created my own website as well as this blog.  Everyday I do something else to learn more about painting and different mediums (right now I am experimenting with watercolors and acrylics) as well as expanding my online presence.  I have just begun to enter juried art competitions.  

I am a firm believer that you do not need an expensive bachelors or masters degree in fine art in order to be a successful painter.  I also know that if I had had the luxury of having a mentor help me….I would perhaps be much further along in my career…or at the very least…I would have saved a TON of time!  I cannot underestimate the value of being involved in the ‘art community’ be it with a mentor and/or like-minded artists that have your best interest at heart.

What follows is a list of some things I found….and STILL find….helpful to advancing your art career.  It is simply my stream of consciousness about becoming a successful artist.  If I can be of help to any of you reading my blog, do not hesitate to contact me.  You can reach me on this blog or visit the ‘contact’ page on my website:  www.

Art & Painting Tips, Suggestions, Motivation, and Truths….

You CAN do this without four years in fine art school!  Take classes and local workshops in your area…or in another city.  Try using different mediums.  Research, research, research.  Take photographs of the world.  Learn to see the world differently.  Pay attention to distance/perspective, shadows, light sources.  Notice the fine details in your environment.  Look at art on the internet/museums/galleries.  Go to gallery openings, open studios, and museum events.  Copy and imitate styles you like.  Take classes online for free…or for small fees.  Read art books.  YOU CAN BE REPRESENTED BY GALLERIES WITHOUT A FINE ART DEGREE!  Art is subjective and there are many different types of art markets.  Fine art is all about creativity and technique.  Creativity is natural in kids but we tend to forget about our God-given gifts as adults….but trust me, it is still inside of you…we just need to dig a little deeper.  Technique is about having the ability to utilize the media; therefore, it is imperative that you understand your medium.  Join an art club or your local art league.  Start your own local and/or online art group for emerging artists or beginners.  Get advice and critiques from established artists.  Do not be afraid to ask for feedback from others, including friends and family.  Look at your art in a mirror and/or take digital photos of your art to see what changes you want to make.  A different perspective can make a world of distance.  I find digital photographs to be the most helpful for me.  Take progression photos as your work(s) advances.  Read instructional art books.  Learn to draw.  A great book is:  “The Natural Way to Draw:  A Working Plan for Art Study” by Kimon Nicolaides.  There are many instructional books that are related to your particular medium.  Search and study art blogs….follow the blogs you like…comment on other’s blogs and artwork….this will aid in establishing your very own personal art community.  ***THE MOST IMPORTANT WAY TO IMPROVE IS TO PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!!!  Spend large amounts of time perfecting techniques.  Paint the same painting over and over again.  Experiment with different subject matter, techniques, and media.  TIME TIME TIME spent in the studio will absolutely improve your abilities and raise your confidence.  Most people did not become good, great, or famous straight out of the gate….they devoted untold hours to perfecting their craft!  Find motivation in books, online, and magazines.  Keep an art journal.  I bought a black, hard-backed, blank page, journal.  This is where I write down ideas I have for paintings or projects.  I also write down notes or paste printed instructions or images in my journal.   I also cut out any images that inspire me and I paste them in my journal for future reference, inspiration, and motivation. DISCIPLINE-PERSISTENCE-CONSISTENCY….THE TRIAD FOR GUARANTEED SUCCESS!!!  Extend  yourself to others in the art community.  Attend open studios in your area.  Go alone so that you can actually MEET people.  If you go with a friend, more than likely, you will end up only talking to the friend you are with and not work at introducing yourself to others.  Step beyond your comfort levels and boundaries….you just might surprise yourself.  BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!!!  Utilize color theory charts.  Take classes at the local community college.  Try plein air painting (painting outside while looking at the scene in front of you).  People respond to COLOR-STRONG DESIGNS-SKILLED TECHNIQUES-CREATIVITY AND THINKING OUTSIDE OF THE BOX!!!  These fundamental qualities shine through whether the art is abstract or highly detailed and realistic.  NEVER FINISH LEARNING NO MATTER HOW GOOD YOU BECOME!!!  BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!!!  Say, “I can!” instead of “I can’t.”  PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE…..hours, days, weeks, & years of practice….your work will only get better and your confidence will sore!  PASSION to devote the time and the energy.  Sketch anything and everything.  Draw what is in front of you.  IGNORE the pretentious people.  Art comes from the heart.  Draw and paint what you like.  The difference between a talented beginner and an untalented one is that the talented beginner WANTS to do it!  Art is about learning how to interpret and SEE the world differently.  Learn to pay attention to what you see.  Now…..shut off your computer and go paint……JUST PAINT….or draw….or sculpt….JUST DO IT!!!                                                                             

Beautiful Tobacco Barns and a Dilapidated Log Cabin


Old Barns

I love old barns, the wood all weathered
Always imagine a couple of horses there, tethered.
Big ones, small ones, no matter what size
In the country, you’re sure to see one just over the rise

I love old barns, painted deep red
When inside you know the cows are well fed
And up in the cupola, painted white, 
Out comes the pigeons, taking off in flight.

I love old barns, filled with hay
With a couple of red hens getting ready to lay
And with them struts the rooster all speckled black and white
They’ll return to the hen house before it is night.

I love old barns, no lonager in need
Where many a horse and many a cow have taken their feed
But to the owner I really must pray
Please do not let it rot and tumble away.

I love old barns, way out of town
Where I can drive and dream, and always slow down
For to this day I’ll always remember
When I left the farm it was late September 

Roy Kieling
I do love old barns and log cabins.  I have sweet memories of the log cabin that my father built many years ago on the White River in Indianapolis, Indiana.  I will never forget when he took my brother and me for an hour plus drive south.  We ended up in front of an ancient and dilapidated old, old barn.  I was perplexed and asked my dad what we were doing there?  He retorted, “This is my new house.”  I was flabbergasted and not happy (keep in mind, I was about 7 years old at the time).  He then explained that he was going to have the barn, built around 1834, dismantled and have all of the original logs shipped to Indianapolis to build what would soon become his “new” home.  He did just that.  He had all the logs re-chinked and he built the most beautifully authentic (with a modern twist of course) log home.  It sat atop a gently sloping 3-acre piece of property that led to the banks of the river.  This is where my dad called home….and so did I.  I photographed these barns last weekend.  They remind me of him…God rest his soul. I hope you enjoy viewing them and some of the surrounding areas in Durham, NC.
k  i  m  b y  