Tag Archives: abstract expressionism

“Suspended in Animation”…progression photo update


I wanted to share some of the progress I am making on my latest oil painting on canvas “Suspended in Animation”. I have been working on this for over a month. I like the way it is coming along although it still has a long way to go…problem is….I just don’t know which way to go from here. I do love the palette that I chose. It is even more vibrant in person. Its dimensions are 15 x 30 inches.

Initially, I had started an acrylic painting of a forest. This was my first attempt at using acrylic and it just wasn’t working for me……so the acrylic base provided a nice underpainting. I then painted over it in oils that were pale, pale cobalt blue and a fleshy pink. The upper colors that you see now are actually 3-4 different layers of oils. I have been using Liquin as my medium so it has a nice, glossy finish to it thus far.

Stay tuned for more! Who knows, the next time you see it, it very well may be unrecognizable.

Have a wonderful weekend!

k i m b y

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Blue Danube….the thing is….


The thing is,

to love life, to love it even 

when you have no stomach for it

and everything you’ve held dear

crumbles like burnt paper in your hands,

your throat filled with the silt of it.

When grief sits with you, its tropical heat 

thickening the air, heavy as water

more fit for gills than lungs;

when grief weights you like your own flesh,

only more of it, an obesity of grief,

you think, How can a body withstand this?

Then you hold life like a face

between your palms, a plain face…

no charming smile, no violet eyes;

and you say, yes, I will take you,

I will love you…..again.

-Ellen Bass
